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docker is exited immediately when runs with error code 139

I have a web api project with running fine when i ran through visual studio, able to build the image also. but when i run using the command

docker run -d -t -p 8000:83 8fbf296e2173

shows no error and the container will be listed in docker ps -a with the status

Exited (139) 1 second ago

Please help to solve this

It's impossible to say what the root cause is without knowing more about the image that is running. But, the Exited (139) basically means the PID 1 of the container was sent SIGKILL . It could be anything, segfault, out of memory, stack overflow, etc.

Started using WSL 2 and encountered the same issue. The workaround posted here has resolved things for me: https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/4694#issuecomment-556095344

I faced the same issue while trying to connect to port 1433 from my host to docker (error code 139). I was able to resolve it by using Administrator: Windows Powershell .

For anyone's future reference; Docker exit code 139 ( 128 + 11 ) means that a container received a SIGSEGV . This may be a result of invalid memory reference.

Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/35410993/7160815

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