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Xamarin.Android No Debug Symbols File Was Found

If you are the same guy who read my last post earlier, well, yes, i am still stuck with runtime errors.

I just created a sample app, enabled Proguard and SDK Assemblies Linking . Then tried to run the app in Release mode . An exception was thrown :

You are deploying an app supporting 'armeabi,armeabi-v7a,x86' ABIs to an incompatible device of ABI 'x86'. You should either create an emulator matching one of your app's ABIs or add 'x86' to the list of ABIs your app builds for.

Amazing, right? So, went over to Project Properties > Android Options > Advanced and checked all of the supported architectures .

Now, in release mode , the app crashes inside the emulator(which is Android_accelerated_x86_oreo , by the way). And Visual Studio 2019 shows the following warnings :

Directory obj\\Release\\81\\android/assets contains Xamarin.Android.Support.Core.Utils.dll but no debug symbols file was found

I have 19 similar warnings for Xamarin.Android.Support.Annotations.dll and 18 other dlls(I really wish nobody asks me to type all the dll names here).

So, anyone else faced this same issue? How do i get over this?

Edit 1

After deleting the bin and obj folder, re-building the project, there are no warnings anymore, but the app still crashes inside the x86 emulator.

Edit 2

Changed linking to None and now app works fine. But apk size is too big.

Go to Android Options > Debugging Options . UNCKECK the Enable Developer Instrumentation box.

Clean and Deploy.

Android has many types of ABI's eg : 'armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86'

Since you have a emulator that needs x86 you might want to check it while making builds.

Go to Android Right click on Project>Properties>Android Build>Advanced Once you reach there add the supporting ABI and you will be good to work with Release

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