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Oracle SQL Query Optimization (Left joins, indexes)

The following query gets stuck when a table is added in left join set. The query runs smooth if last join is excluded. but gets stuck if last join is included. I have tried ALL_ROWS, FIRST_ROWS optimizer hints as well. There are around 5500 expected rows from cps_taskhis for '20190404'.


  • Table cpsmgt.cps_orderhis.orderid is indexed column. {screenshot 1}.

  • Table cpsmgt.cps_taskhis.orderid is also an indexed column which is being joined to cpsmgt.cps_orderhis.orderid in last left join. {screenshot 2}

Screen shot 1: 在此输入图像描述

Screen shot 2: 在此输入图像描述

    t.taskid task_no,
    t.orderid order_id,
    DECODE(t.priority,50,'Low',100,'Medium',200,'High','Other') task_priority,
    t.taskname task_name,
    TO_CHAR(t.createtime,'HH24') creation_hour,
    t.createtime create_time,
    t.completedtime completed_time,
    ( to_timestamp(t.completedtime,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') - to_timestamp(t.createtime,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') ) time_difference,
    op1.user_name initiator_login,
    rd1.name role_assigned_maker,
    op2.user_name checker_login,
    rd2.name role_assigned_checker,
    t.taskstate task_state,
    t.tasktype task_type,
    t.description task_description,
    ord_comment.commenttext,  -- 2048 byte varchar2
    sim.msisdn target_msisdn, 
    o.reason reason_of_task,  -- 2048 byte varchar2
    DECODE(t.bussinesscategory,'0','Business Operation','1','Transaction and Action','2','Financial','3','Manual Task','4','Bulk','5'
    || t.bussinesscategory) businesscategory_of_task
    cpsmgt.cps_taskhis t --PARTITION ( SYS_P30212 ) t
    LEFT JOIN cpsmgt.cps_operator op1 ON op1.operator_id = t.createid
    LEFT JOIN cpsmgt.cps_operator op2 ON op2.operator_id = t.ownerid
    LEFT JOIN cpsmgt.cps_role_operator ro1 ON op1.operator_id = ro1.operator_id
                                              AND op1.status <> '06'
    LEFT JOIN cpssys.cps_role_def rd1 ON rd1.role_id = ro1.role_id
                                         AND rd1.status = '30'
    LEFT JOIN cpsmgt.cps_role_operator ro2 ON op2.operator_id = ro2.operator_id
                                              AND op2.status <> '06'
    LEFT JOIN cpssys.cps_role_def rd2 ON rd2.role_id = ro2.role_id
                                         AND rd2.status = '30'
    LEFT JOIN cpsmgt.cps_order_comment ord_comment ON t.orderid = ord_comment.orderid
    LEFT JOIN cpsmgt.cps_sim_device sim ON t.on_identity_id = sim.identity_id
    LEFT JOIN cpsmgt.cps_orderhis o ON t.orderid = o.orderid
    t.createtime BETWEEN TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(20190404)
    || ' 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AND TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(20190404)
    || ' 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
    AND   t.procdefid IN (
    AND   rd1.name IN (
        'Complaints (Maker)',
        'MFS 1344 Help Line',
        'MFS 4444 Helpline',
        'Operator user(back end user) maker',
        'Complaints Checker',
        'Operator user(back end user) completer'
    AND   rd2.name IN (
        'Complaints (Maker)',
        'MFS 1344 Help Line',
        'MFS 4444 Helpline',
        'Operator user(back end user) maker',
        'Complaints Checker',
        'Operator user(back end user) completer'

Query Explain Plan (SQL Developer): (save the file as html and open in browser)


Important Notes : I am trying to insert the output to a temporary table. If instead i insert this data to a new table using create table as. The same query is working fine :-(

-- previous columns
            cpsmgt.cps_orderhis o
            o.orderid = t.orderid
    ) reason_of_task,
-- rest of the query.

Have you tried the following hint?


Maybe the OPTIMIZER does not choose the right index and choose USE_HASH for the execution plan.

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