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How to stub ES5 class constructor?

I can't find a proper way to stub es5 class object methods. It would also work if I could just return fake object/class when new A() is called.

What I have tried

sinon.stub(A, 'hello').callsFake(() => console.log("stubbed"))
sinon.stub(A.prototype, 'hello').callsFake(() => console.log("stubbed"))
sinon.stub(A, 'constructor').callsFake(() => {hello: ()=>console.log("stubbed")})
function A () {
  this.hello = function() {

new A().hello();

Expected output: stubbed

Current output: hello

hello is an instance property ...

...so a new function gets created and added as the hello property of each new instance.

So mocking it requires an instance:

const sinon = require('sinon');

function A () {
  this.hello = function() {  // <= hello is an instance property

it('should stub hello', () => {
  const a = new A();  // <= create an instance
  sinon.stub(a, 'hello').callsFake(() => console.log("stubbed"));  // <= stub the instance property
  a.hello();  // <= logs 'stubbed'

If hello is changed to be a prototype method it can be stubbed for all instances:

const sinon = require('sinon');

function A () {
A.prototype.hello = function() {  // <= hello is a prototype method

it('should stub hello', () => {
  sinon.stub(A.prototype, 'hello').callsFake(() => console.log("stubbed"));  // <= stub the prototype method
  new A().hello();  // <= logs 'stubbed'

Note that the prototype method approach is equivalent to this ES6 code:

class A {
  hello() {

...which seems like it might be how you intended to define hello .

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