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How to reverse proxy to a react app using htaccess?

This is what I have: wordpress site: react app site:

What I want to do: Reverse proxy to the react app so that when I enter this url: , the react app site ( ) is served but the url shouldn't change.

To do the above, I have added this to .htaccess:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^datastaging(.*) [P]
RewriteEngine Off

I see the react app being served (tab title changes to the title of the app) but the page shown is blank and when I check the console it shows Unexpected token < . After further investigation the error points to the <!DOCTYPE html> line of my react app.

Any idea how to correct this and serve the react app properly?


NOTE: This is related to Getting Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response with MIME type text/html when serving ReactJS app . This is the same answer given to that question.


Figured it out. Due to the reverse proxy, the browser was looking for the ReactJS app's static folder inside the Wordpress site's server instead of the React app server. I get the CORB warning since it was not getting the CSS file that it was expecting.

To fix I had to create another rewrite rule, this time for requests for the folder /static. My .htaccess file now looks something like this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^datastaging(.*)$1 [P]
RewriteEngine Off

# Rewrite rule for static folder
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^static(.*)$1 [P]
RewriteEngine Off

Hope this helps someone.

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