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Changing the duration time of a toolip in ExtJS 3.4

I was wondering if someone could help me out.

I am creating a tooltip using the following code;

metaData.attr = 'ext:qtip="This is my tooltip"';

This works perfect, but the tooltip doesn't stay open for very long.

Is there anything i can add to this statement to increase the time the tooltip stays open?


You can increase time using parameter dismissDelay (ms) when register quicktip.

    target: 'my-div',
    title: 'My Tooltip',
    text: 'This tooltip was added in code',
    width: 100,
    dismissDelay: 10000 // Hide after 10 seconds hover

Or you can simple override all quick tips in application.

Ext.apply(Ext.QuickTips.getQuickTip(), {
    dismissDelay: 10000

You can't add extra parameter to metaData.attr = 'ext:qtip="This is my tooltip"'; to change dismiss delay.

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