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Pass credentials in powershell Workflow

I have a powershell workflow to run on servers remotely but having issue to pass the credentials in workflow. The password should be from user at the time of execution.

workflow Gethost{
   $credential = (Get-Credential)
    foreach -parallel ($server in $Servers) {
        $session = inlineScript{New-PSSession -ComputerName $using:server -Credential $using:credential} 
        $id = $session.id
        inlineScript{Invoke-Command -ComputerName $using:server -Credential $using:credential -Filepath C:\Checkhost.ps1}
        inlineScript {Exit-PSSession}
        inlineScript{Remove-PSSession -id $using:id}

You cannot use Get-Credential cmdlet inside a PowerShell workflow. Only some limited set of cmdlets can be used inside a workflow. You can get the credential outside and pass that using a parameter.

workflow Gethost{
    foreach -parallel ($server in $Servers) {
    $session = inlineScript{New-PSSession -ComputerName $using:server -Credential $using:credential} 
    $id = $session.id
    inlineScript{Invoke-Command -ComputerName $using:server -Credential $using:credential -Filepath C:\Checkhost.ps1}
        inlineScript {Exit-PSSession}
        inlineScript{Remove-PSSession -id $using:id}

See here for the restrictions in Workflow

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