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How do I use linq to check if an element has the correct child in XML C#?

I have some values in my XML as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <sec name="sec_1">
      <title>First Title</title>
      <break name="article_1-1">
          <page num="1"/>
          <b>First Heading</b>
        <h2>First Subheading</h2>
          <img src="images/img_1-1.jpg" width="826" height="657" alt=""/>
            <i>Image Caption</i>
          <cr>This is a credit</cr>
    <sec name="sec_2">
      <title>Second Title</title>
      <break name="article_2-1">
          <page num="2"/>
          <b>Second Heading</b>
        <h2>Second Subheading</h2>
          <cr>This is another credit</cr>

What I want is that I want to show the <break name> that contains a <fig> and <fig> does not contain <img src> .

I am doing the following:

var breaklist = xdoc.Descendants("break").ToList();

foreach (var eachbreak in breaklist)
    var emptyfig = eachbreak.Descendants("fig").ToList();
    foreach (var eachfig in emptyfig)
        if (eachfig.Descendants("img").Count() == 0
         && eachfig.Descendants("cr").Count() > 0)
            AddMsg("Empty <fig> tag with only credit in: " + eachbreak.Attribute("name").Value);

This returns:

Empty <fig> tag with only credit in: article_1-1
Empty <fig> tag with only credit in: article_2-1

It works but I want a linq approach.

Please help.


1) Xml To Linq Query with Traditional Approach:

var result = (from br in xdoc.Descendants("break")
              from fig in br.Descendants("fig")
              where fig.Descendants("img").Count() == 0 && fig.Descendants("cr").Count() > 0
              select new
                  Message = "Empty <fig> tag with only credit in: " + br.Attribute("name").Value

2) Xml To Linq Query with Lambda Approach:

var result = xdoc.Descendants("break")
.SelectMany(br => br.Descendants("fig")
                    .Where(fig => fig.Descendants("img").Count() == 0 && fig.Descendants("cr").Count() > 0)
                    .Select(x => new
                         Message = "Empty <fig> tag with only credit in: " + br.Attribute("name").Value

Print the result to console from both above result

foreach (var message in result)

In your case, you can use it with AddMsg like,

foreach (var message in result)



Something like this:

string xml = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""ISO-8859-1"" standalone=""yes""?>
            <sec name = ""sec_1"">
                <title> First Title </title>
                <break name = ""article_1-1"">
                <h1><page num = ""1"" /><b> First Heading </b></h1>
                <h2> First Subheading </h2>
                    <img src = ""images/img_1-1.jpg"" width = ""826"" height = ""657"" alt = """" />
                    <fc><i> Image Caption </i></fc>
                <fig><cr> This is a credit </cr></fig>

XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);

var figs = xdoc
            .Descendants("fig").Where(x => (x.Element("img") == null && x.Element("cr") != null))
            .Select(x =>x.Parent.Attribute("name").Value);

foreach (var message in figs)
    Console.WriteLine("Empty <fig> tag with only credit in: {0}", message);

More on parent and descendant here:


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