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How do I add a Badge to an Icon

I need to add a badge to the icon on my project that displays the count number values, i cant seem to make the badge work. Can anyone help me with this? and make the badge display the count value on the icon.

<div class="actions-bar" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="end center">
<label *ngIf="_dataSource.data.length > 0" class="mr-8">
<mat-icon class="mat-18 tick-icon">navigation</mat-icon>
<span>{{_dataSource.data.length}} locations</span>
<label *ngIf="_dataSource.data.length > 0" class="mr-8">
<mat-icon class="mat-18 warning-icon">warning</mat-icon>
<span>{{countWarningAddress()}} locations</span>
<label *ngIf="_dataSource.data.length > 0" class="mr-8">
<mat-icon matBadge="" matBadgeColor="accent" class="mat-18 tick- 
<span>{{countValidAddress()}} locations</span>
<label *ngIf="_dataSource.data.length > 0" class="mr-8">
<mat-icon class="mat-18 flag-icon">flag</mat-icon>
<span>{{countInvalidAddress()}} locations</span>

If you are talking about hybrid mobile app badge then you can add plugin https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-badge for badge and use


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