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How to add a Badge for an Icon in Ant Design?

I'm using the Icon and Badge from Ant Design. I want to add the Badge for the Icon:

            style={{ marginRight: '10px', float: 'right' }}
            <Badge count={5}>
              <a href="#" className="head-example" />

I have import 'antd/dist/antd.css'; imported and the Badge works without the Icon. The Icon is from reacticons and it is displayed properly. I want to add the Badge to the top right of the Icon. But it does not show at all when included in the Icon.

Put them both in a View Tag (if you are react-native) or div and then take this styles to the badge:

position: absolute;
right: 0px;
top: 0px;

Something like this:

 <div> <VscBell size={30} style={{ marginRight: '10px', float: 'right' }} > </VscBell> <Badge count={5} style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 0, top: 0 }}> <a href="#" className="head-example" /> </Badge> </div>

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