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SQL query: how to check existence of *multiple* rows and columns with one query

Given the following table:

1      a      a1
1      b      b1    
1      c      c1
2      d      d2
2      e      e2

Is it possible to create a query which identifies a subset of rows with particular values for columns VAL1 and VAL2 and identical values in column SET?

In contrast to the similar example with 2 columns we can not use IN here (as far as I see) because the combinations of VAL1 and VAL2 values are not arbitrary but given.

The expected output would be for

VAL1 = a and VAL2 = a1 and VAL1 = b and VAL2 = b1 and VAL1 = c and VAL2 = c1  => 1

And for

VAL1 = d and VAL2 = d2 and VAL1 = e and VAL2 = e2 => 2

And for

VAL1 = d and VAL2 = d2 and VAL1 = e and VAL2 = f => null

The Problem is, that I can not use something like:

FROM MyTable
WHERE VAL1 IN (a, b, c) AND VAL2 IN (a1, b1, c1)

because it would not pay respect to particular rows and give false positives on constellations like:

1      c      a1
1      a      b1    
1      b      c1
2      e      d2
2      d      e2

In MySQL, IN can be used to compare row constructors :

WHERE (val1, val2) IN (
    ('a', 'a1'),
    ('b', 'b1'),
    ('c', 'c1')

Using group by and having .

select `set`
from tbl
group by `set`
having sum((VAL1 = 'a' and VAL2 = 'a1') or (VAL1 = 'b' and VAL2 = 'b1') or (VAL1 = 'c' and VAL2 = 'c1')) = 3 

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