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How can I write Snippets in Visual Studio Code with an “$” inside of them?

I want to make a Code-Snippet in VSC but when I make a snippet and paste the code with "$" inside of it the "$" dissapears. I know why but I dont know how I can fix this.

This is for a PHP Site I'm coding on.

"MySQL Verbindung": {
    "prefix": "db_verbinden",
    "body": [
        "$dburl = 'localhost';",
        "$username = 'root';",
        "$passwort = '';",
        "$dbselect = 'db';",
        "$db = mysqli_connect($dburl, $username, $passwort) or die('Die Verbindung mit der Datenbank ist fehlgeschlagen!');",
        "mysqli_select_db('rbcms', $db);",

So I want to make Snippets with "$" inside of them.

As it is mentioned in the documentation you need to escape certain characters:

Below is the EBNF (extended Backus-Naur form) for snippets. With \\ (backslash), you can escape $ , } and \\ . Within choice elements, the backslash also escapes comma and pipe characters.


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