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How to select points inside the areas of a multiple polygons vector layer?

I wrote this code to select points within polygons using pyqgis.

polygonFile = '/home/polygon.shp'
pointFile = '/home/points.shp'

polygonLayer = QgsVectorLayer(polygonFile, 'poligoni', 'ogr')
pointLayer = QgsVectorLayer(pointFile, 'punti', 'ogr')

polygonFeatureList = [plfeat for plfeat in polygonLayer.getFeatures()]
pointFeatureList =  [ptfeat for ptfeat in pointLayer.getFeatures()]

polygonFeatureNumber = polygonLayer.featureCount()
pointFeatureNumber = pointLayer.featureCount()


for ptfeat in pointFeatureList:
    ptGeometry = ptfeat.geometry()
    for plfeat in polygonFeatureList:
        plGeometry = plfeat.geometry()
        if plGeometry.contains(ptGeometry):

It works only when my polygon shapefile is compsed by only one feature, otherwise I get this error

TypeError: arguments did not match any overloaded call:
  QgsVectorLayer.select(QgsRectangle, bool): argument 1 has unexpected type 'builtin_function_or_method'
  QgsVectorLayer.select(int): argument 1 has unexpected type 'builtin_function_or_method'
  QgsVectorLayer.select(unknown-type): argument 1 has unexpected type 'builtin_function_or_method'

I tried to modify the last part with this:

for pt in (range(0, pointLayer.featureCount()):
    ptFeat = pointFeatureList[pt] 
    ptGeometry = ptFeat.geometry()
    for pl in (range(0, polygonLayer.featureCount()):
        plFeat = polygonFeatureList[pl]
        plGeometry = plFeat.geometry()
        if plGeometry.contains(ptGeometry):
            pointLayer.select(ptFeat, id)

but this time I get this kind of error

TypeError: arguments did not match any overloaded call:
  QgsVectorLayer.select(QgsRectangle, bool): argument 1 has unexpected type 'QgsFeature'
  QgsVectorLayer.select(int): argument 1 has unexpected type 'QgsFeature'
  QgsVectorLayer.select(unknown-type): argument 1 has unexpected type 'QgsFeature'

So far I didn't find the way to make a correct use of the "select" function in a spatial query.

I found two solutions

This is the first

polygonFile = '/path/poligoni.shp'
pointFile = '/path/punti.shp'

polygonLayer = QgsVectorLayer(polygonFile, 'poligoni', 'ogr')
pointLayer = QgsVectorLayer(pointFile, 'punti', 'ogr')

polygonFeatureList = [plFeat for plFeat in polygonLayer.getFeatures()]
pointFeatureList = [ptFeat for ptFeat in pointLayer.getFeatures()]


for ptFeat in pointFeatureList:
    ptGeom = ptFeat.geometry()
    for plFeat in polygonFeatureList:
        plGeom = plFeat.geometry()
        if plGeom.contains(ptGeom):

This is the second solution

import processing

polygonFile = '/path/poligoni.shp'
pointFile = '/path/punti.shp'

polygonLayer = QgsVectorLayer(polygonFile, 'poligoni', 'ogr')
pointLayer = QgsVectorLayer(pointFile, 'punti', 'ogr')

polygonFeatureList = [plFeat for plFeat in polygonLayer.getFeatures()]
pointFeatureList = [ptFeat for ptFeat in pointLayer.getFeatures()]


processing.runalg('qgis:selectbylocation', pointLayer, polygonLayer, u'contains', 0, 0)

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