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testing multiple HOC composed with recompose

I have a setup where I have a main container that is composed with multiple HOC using recompose.

The HOC in use are;

WithPageWrapper, WithLoading, WithError

Composed like this:


testing this logic is proving difficult. The project I am working on is using react-test-renderer and utilising the shallow render method.

So when testing a snapshot to make sure the error state is loading the snapshot only tests one level deep (due to the shallow render) and always returns:


Instead what i want to be seeing in the snapshot is:


as I would have expected the Loading HOC to simply render the main container as the loading prop is null or false.

Doing a full render instead of shallow render simply makes the snapshot near unreadable. Is there a way to use shallow render in react-test-renderer and test the composition of multiple HOC?

All HOC functions in use can be mocked with some basic implementation like

jest.fn().mockImplementation(Comp => props => (
  <div data-testid="FooHOC"><Comp ...props/></div>

that allows to efficiently assert results in a snapshot.

The effects of original HOC functions can be tested in dedicated tests.

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