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typo3scan: path typo3/cms-scanner/config/Matcher/v8 does not exist

I have a composer based TYPO3 8.7 installation with a dev requirement for typo3/cms-scanner:dev-master and michielroos/typo3scan:dev-master .

When I run eg php vendor/bin/typo3scan scan --target 8 web/typo3conf/ext/be_secure_pw I end up with this error message:

In MatcherBundle.php line 35:

  Path "/foo/bar/baz/vendor/michielroos/typo3scan/src/TYPO3Scan/Service/../../../../../typo3/cms-scanner/config/Matcher/v8" does not exist

The directory vendor/typo3/cms-scanner/config/Matcher is present, but there are no subdirectories for specific TYPO3 versions, eg v8 .

Any ideas what I did wrong?

The composer package michielroos/typo3scan relies on a fork of typo3/cms-scanner and I had the original package by Oliver Hader included in my composer.json.

After switching to the fork now everything works fine!

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