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Graphically detect a control on a form in vb.net

so i have this form where users can drag and drop user controls(that are only picture boxes). They can't put a control on another one, as they have to place the pictures in order. Here's my current code: "TempControl" is the object that is checked in the "for each" loop "Control" is the object that just got dropped by the user

        ' vertical check: there's two lines possible
            If Control.Top < 200 Then
                Control.Top = 70
                Control.Top = 240
            End If
        ' horizontal check:
        For Each tempControl As MyUSerControl In MyArray
                If tempControl.Left < Control.Left And tempControl.Left + tempControl.Width > Control.Left Then    'If the left limit of the moved object is in the fix object                   
                        Control.Left = tempControl.Left + tempControl.Width + 5    'Put it on the fix object's right side
                End If

                If tempControl.Left > Control.Left And tempControl.Left < Control.Left + Control.Width Then  'If the right limit of the moved object is in the fix object        
                        Control.Left = tempControl.Left - Control.Width - 5    'Put it on the left side
                End If

It works fine (for now), but i was wondering if there was any way to "graphically" verify the positions, like a function that checks if the form under the Control is free ?

If not, is there a more optimized algorithm for this kind of things ? What are your thoughts about it ? Thanks !

I am not sure whether I understood your question correctly, but let's see if this one helps.


Retrieves the child control at a specified location.


Dim controlAtPoint = myForm.GetChildAtPoint(anyPoint)

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