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Database is locked: SQLite exception thrown on my android and ios xamarin app

The database was very stable until I did all the package and bundle signing and deploy the app to the app center for distributed testing, then I started getting all kind of errors from the SQLite database. I did some research and got to know that the database is not threading safe, but how can I make it thread safe, all my database connections and queries are through async.
This is my database connection

    private static object collisionLock = new object();
    //local SQLite database.

    public SQLiteAsyncConnection Db;
    private Uri url;
    private MemberDataStore membersStore;
    private AdvantageMemberDataStore advMembersStore;
    private EventDataStore eventDataStore;

    public ConnectionsUtil()
         Db = DependencyService.Get<IDatabaseConnection>().DbConnection();

This is the code that does inserts and updates, I have three methods like the one below that access the database and many queries that uses the Db within the app

    public async Task GetAdvantageMembersAsync(AdvantageMemberDataStore store)
        await Db.QueryAsync<AdvantageMember>("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS AdvantageMember").ContinueWith(t =>


            Console.WriteLine("AdvantageMember table created!");

        url = new Uri("");

        Console.WriteLine("Gideon: Attempting to get advantage members.");

            string json;
            //Gideon: get json string containing advantage members.
            using (WebClient sr = new WebClient())

                Console.WriteLine("Gideon: Retrieving advantage Members....");

                sr.DownloadStringCompleted += async (s, e) =>

                    Console.WriteLine("Gideon: Advantage Members Downloaded. Processing advantage Members....");
                    json = e.Result;
                    lock (collisionLock)
                       Db.InsertAllAsync(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<AdvantageMember>>(json)).ContinueWith(async t =>
                            await store.UpdateItemsAsync(Db.QueryAsync<AdvantageMember>("SELECT * FROM AdvantageMember GROUP BY Title").Result);

                        Console.WriteLine("Processing Members benefits for android");
                        advMembersStore = store;      

                await Task.Run(() => sr.DownloadStringAsync(url));

        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Gideon: An error occured while trying to dbect. ERROR: " + e);
 **This is the code that specify the folder for the sqlite connection**

 public class DatabaseConnection_iOS: Services.IDatabaseConnection
    public SQLiteAsyncConnection DbConnection()
        var dbName = "MyDb.db3";
        string personalFolder =
        string libraryFolder =
          Path.Combine(personalFolder, "..", "Library");
        var path = Path.Combine(libraryFolder, dbName);
        return new SQLiteAsyncConnection(path);

In my case, I was put SaveContext inside foreach

            var transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction();

                foreach (var item in obj)
await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); //--wrong 

                return true;

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