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In Spark Java how can I programmatically determine the number of *active* cores and tasks?

The Spark web UI displays great information about the total and active number of cores and tasks. How can I get this information programmatically in Java Spark so that I can display job progress to end users?

I did read about the "append /json/" trick to extract JSON versions of web UI pages from the master, and I can get the total number of cores that way...

But all the information about active cores and tasks seems to be in the driver UI pages. I tried the "/json/" trick on the driver UI pages and it just redirects me back to the HTML pages.

Looks like we have discovered two different ways to reveal this information:

1) Retrieve the SparkStatusTracker from the SparkContext (thank you Sai):

JavaSparkContext javaSparkContext = ...;
JavaSparkStatusTracker javaSparkStatusTracker = javaSparkContext.statusTracker();
for (int stageId : javaSparkStatusTracker.getActiveStageIds()) {
  SparkStageInfo sparkStageInfo = javaSparkStatusTracker.getStageInfo(stageId);
  int numTasks = sparkStageInfo.numTasks();
  int numActiveTasks = sparkStageInfo.numActiveTasks();
  int numFailedTasks = sparkStageInfo.numFailedTasks();
  int numCompletedTasks = sparkStageInfo.numCompletedTasks();

2) Consult the REST API available from the driver JVM:


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