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How to decode a base64 decoded file and save to a pdf file

I am using a reporting software which returns me my report in an PDF file as part of a JSON doc in the data event and its base64 encoded. When i take the data i get from the web service and write it to file i get a file which seems to corrupt or so as it does not display the report data.

request(options, async(err, resp, body) => {  

var bytes = await base64.decode(body.Data);

fs.writeFile("./Sample.pdf" , bytes , function(err) {
if(err) {
return console.log(err);

console.log("The file was saved!");

so not sure what i am missing here. I know i got a valid encoded string because i can go to Free Formatter and paste my string and when i click decode and download i have a valid PDF as expected.

Here is a sample of the encoded file which im trying to decode and save as a pdf..

Sample encoded string

After some trial and error i figured out the issue. When you have a base64 encoded file and you want to save as a binary you do not need to decode the file. you can just tell the fs.writeFile that you have a base64 encoded file and it will do the rest

fs.writeFile("./SamplePdf.pdf", body.Data, {encoding: 'base64'}, async(err, data) =>  {
    if (err) {
          console.log('err', err);

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