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Can't create object with relation one-to-many

I'm a newbie in sequelize, so got some troubles with the trivial task. I have a db definition:

 items.hasMany(images, {as: 'images', foreignKey: 'itemID'});

When I'm creating an item like this ...

let result = await db.items.create(
        type: req.body.type,
        name: req.body.name,
        images: [req.body.images]
        include: [ {model: db.images,  as: "images" } ]

... I'm getting an error:

TypeError: instance.set is not a function

What could be the problem? Or it is not a correct way of insertion?


The problem was in the type of object that I pass. I was passing [req.body.images], but it was already an array. So removing [] problem solved.

Thanks to everyone who checked it :)

let result = await db.items.create([
    type: req.body.type,
    name: req.body.name,
    images: [req.body.images]
    include: [ {model: db.images,  as: "images" } ]

Wrap args with array in create function(). Hope it might help u.

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