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Update DOM during JavaScript For Loop

I'm running up against a roadblock in Javascript that I can't seem to overcome.

Is there any way of “updating” a view while a loop of API calls is running?

For example:

for (var x =0; x<array.length; x++) {
//do an api call
console.log(“Processing “+x+” of “+array.length+” records.”);

The above outputs the value of x for each loop to the console. However, this:

for (var x =0; x<array.length; x++) {
var body = document.getElementById(“view_100”);
//do an api call
body.innerHTML = “Processing “+x+” of “+array.length+” records.”;

Does not update the dom until after all of the loops have finished and then shows only the last value of x.

Any thoughts on how I can keep a user informed as to what is going on during a long javascript loop?

 var array = [1,2,3,4,5] for (var x = 0; x<array.length; x++) { var body = document.getElementById("view_100"); //do an api call //append the text instead of reassigning body.innerHTML += "Processing "+(x+1)+" of "+array.length+" records."; /* cleaner way var message = document.createElement("p"); message.innerText = "Processing "+(x+1)+" of "+array.length+" records." body.append(message) */ }; 
 <div id="view_100"></div> 

you can use append element

const body = document.getElementById(“view_100”);
for (var x =0; x<array.length; x++) {
    const statusEl = document.createElement('div');
    statusEl.innerHTML = `Processing ${x + 1} of ${array.length} records`
    //do an api call

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