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*ngIf with async pipe for observable from BehaviorSubject seem to activate incorrectly until data is loaded

If the array in response is empty I want to display a message, otherwise the elements of the array.

In case the response has a non-empty array the *ngIf condition evalutes to true and the message is displayed until the data is loaded.

Html template snippet:

<div *ngIf="personalAndStarredBookmarks$ && (personalAndStarredBookmarks$ | async)?.size === 0; else personalBookmarksList" class="missing-category-bookmarks-message  alert alert-info">
  <p>No bookmarks yet</p>
<ng-template #personalBookmarksList>
  <app-async-bookmark-list [bookmarks]="personalAndStarredBookmarks$" [shownSize]="10" [userData]="userData"></app-async-bookmark-list>

Component snippet:

import { List } from 'immutable';

export class PersonalBookmarksListComponent implements OnInit {

  personalAndStarredBookmarks$: Observable<List<Bookmark>>;

  ngOnInit(): void {

    this.personalAndStarredBookmarks$ = this.personalBookmarksStore.getPersonalBookmarks();

The store uses a BehaviourSubject where it holds the response from a service that actually does the HTTP call.

Store snippet

export class PersonalBookmarksStore {

  private _personalBookmarks: BehaviorSubject<List<Bookmark>> = new BehaviorSubject(List([]));

  constructor(private personalBookmarkService: PersonalBookmarkService,
              private keycloakService: KeycloakService
  ) {
    keycloakService.loadUserProfile().then(keycloakProfile => {
      this.userId = keycloakProfile.id;

  private loadInitialData() {
        data => {
          let bookmarks: Bookmark[] = <Bookmark[]>data;
        err => console.error('Error retrieving bookmarks', err)

  getPersonalBookmarks(): Observable<List<Bookmark>> {
    return this._personalBookmarks.asObservable();

If I am calling directly the Service (not the Store) in the component it behaves as expected...

You should restructure your template to handle the async calls efficiently by assigning a local variable as

<ng-content*ngIf="personalAndStarredBookmarks$ | async as personalAndStarredBookmarks">
    <div *ngIf="personalAndStarredBookmarks.size === 0; else personalBookmarksList" 
        class="missing-category-bookmarks-message  alert alert-info">
        <p>No bookmarks yet</p>
    <ng-template #personalBookmarksList>
        <app-async-bookmark-list [bookmarks]="personalAndStarredBookmarks" [shownSize]="10"

With this, you can efficiently handle all the conditions and the main content loads only after the async call is resolved.


The culprit is the initialisation of the BehaviorSubject with an empty list, which gets emitted and the condition evaluates to true:

private _personalBookmarks: BehaviorSubject<List<Bookmark>> = new BehaviorSubject(List([]));

Fix - init the BehaviorSubject with a null or undefined

private _personalBookmarks: BehaviorSubject<List<Bookmark>> = new BehaviorSubject(null);

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