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routing in canjs not working as links are not getting an href value

I am new to canjs and following the tutorials on canjs site. I am using webpack to create a sample canjs page.

import { Component, stacheRouteHelpers } from "can";

    tag: "my-app",
    view: `
        <a href="{{ routeUrl(page='home') }}">Home</a>
        <a href="{{ routeUrl(page='tasks') }}">Tasks</a>
    ViewModel: {

When I see in the page, it's not routing to the home. Infact href value is not coming in output like below.

<a href="">Home</a>

console shows the following warning

MyAppView:3: Unable to find key "routeUrl()".

Like Justin mentioned, I think webpack is tree-shaking stacheRouteHelpers out of the build.

I think you can work around the issue by doing the following:

import { Component, stache, stacheRouteHelpers } from "can";


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