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Spring creates two of @Configuration beans starting up

I have following class:

public class EndpointStatus {

private static final Logger serverLogger = LogManager.getLogger(EndpointStatus.class);

private Long id;
private volatile Status status;

private volatile CurrentJob currentJob;

public enum Status {

public EndpointStatus getEndpointStatus() {
    serverLogger.info("STATUS CREATED");
    return new EndpointStatus();

public EndpointStatus() {

public CurrentJob getCurrentJob() {
    return currentJob;

public void setCurrentJob(CurrentJob currentJob) {
    this.currentJob = currentJob;

public Status getStatus() {
    return status;

public Long getId() {
    return id;

public void setId(Long id) {
    this.id = id;

public void setStatus(Status status) {
    this.status = status;

public boolean isBusy() {
    return getStatus() == Status.BUSY;

Bean is used in endpoint which is annotated with @Component

and then i try to get the bean in endpoint like

ApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(EndpointStatus.class);
EndpointStatus sc = ctx.getBean(EndpointStatus.class);

EndpointStatus is not used anywhere else.

To my knowledge, there should be no reason to create a second bean...

However at startup I always get

INFO 6169 [main] c.e.k.d.r.m.i.EndpointStatus             : STATUS CREATED
INFO 6169 [main] c.e.k.d.r.m.i.EndpointStatus             : STATUS CREATED

What am I doing wrong here?


Have tried every answer given to no avail whatsoever..

my class now looks like this

public class EndpointStatusConfig {

private static final Logger serverLogger = LogManager.getLogger(JavaXRest.class);

private Long id;
private volatile Status status = EndpointStatusConfig.Status.AVAILABLE;

private volatile CurrentJob currentJob;

public enum Status {

public EndpointStatusConfig getEndpointStatus() {
    serverLogger.info("STATUS CREATED");
    return new EndpointStatusConfig();

public CurrentJob getCurrentJob() {
    return currentJob;

public void setCurrentJob(CurrentJob currentJob) {
    this.currentJob = currentJob;

public Status getStatus() {
    return status;

public Long getId() {
    return id;

public void setId(Long id) {
    this.id = id;

public void setStatus(Status status) {
    this.status = status;

public boolean isBusy() {
    return getStatus() == Status.BUSY;


no matter @Component or @Configuration, making call to sc in endpoint will result in hundreds of beans created crashing the app...

EDIT2: this is just getting worse and worse ... now even call to

if ( sc.isBusy() ) { return Response.ok( sc.getCurrentJob() ).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build(); }

will jump to @Bean and create as many EndpointStatus objects as it can before the application crashes.... @Component creates one at startup, then thousands. @Configuration will create 2 at startup and then thousands also...

Just a guesswork but defining the configuration class both as a configuration and a factory bean return type is probably the issue.
EndpointStatus is a configuration class as the class is declared with @Configuration and a configuration class produces a bean in Spring and it is also an explicit bean as you annotated the bean factory method getEndpointStatus() with @Bean .
It is a little like if you had defined twice the bean.

Simply change the name of your Configuration class from EndpointStatus to EndpointStatusConfig and this will then only create a single bean with EndpointStatus class.

As you are annotating EndpointStatus both as @Configuration & @Bean it creates 2 Beans.

I think your problem is using @Configuration instead of @Component

The @Configuration will try add to spring context any @Autowired or @Bean inside the class with @Configuration but won't add it self to the spring context.

If you want to add that class as a bean to the spring context you should use @Component


Did you try to inject EndpointStatus class with the @Configuration on it self?

In case you don't and don't know what is injection in spring try this:

EndpointStatus status;

void yourMethod(){
   //Change this 
   //ApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(EndpointStatus.class);
   //EndpointStatus sc = ctx.getBean(EndpointStatus.class);
   //Use instead the status variable declared before

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