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database does not exist - PostgreSQL in Server Side Swift using Vapor 3 and Fluent

I'm writing a web service in Swift using Vapor 3. I'm using FluentPostgreSQL for data persistence. I have a user model which conforms to both PostgreSQLModel, PostgreSQLMigration . The app builds correctly. However, when I run the app, I am getting the following error.

Fatal error: Error raised at top level: ⚠️ PostgreSQL Error: database "trialService" does not exist
- id: PostgreSQLError.server.fatal.InitPostgres

This is how my configure.swift looks like.

try services.register(FluentPostgreSQLProvider())

let configPSQL = PostgreSQLDatabaseConfig(hostname: "localhost", username: "imthath", database: "trialService")
let psql = PostgreSQLDatabase(config: configPSQL)

var databases = DatabasesConfig()
databases.add(database: sqlite, as: .sqlite)
databases.add(database: psql, as: .psql)

As you can see I was earlier using SQLite and now I am trying to use PostgreSQL for some models including User. I did not get any error when I was only SQLite.


createdb trialService

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