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Angular 6- importing variable from JS file

I am building a project with Angular 6 that requires me to import styles from an external js file in order to build a custom Google Map. However, it doesn't seem to be importing into my.ts file correctly. Any help would be great!

In my component

import {MapStyles} from './mapstyle.js'

selector: 'map',
template: '<div #tref style="width:100%; height:100%;"></div>'

export class Map implements AfterViewInit {
  ngAfterViewInit() {
    console.log(MapStyles)  //is 'undefined'
  const mapProperties = {
      styles: MapStyles

The file I'm trying to import (mapstyle.js):

export var MapStyles = [
  "featureType": "water",
  "elementType": "geometry.fill",
  "stylers": [
      "color": "#d3d3d3"

I've tried things such as

import * as MapStyles from './mapstyle.js'


var MapStyles = [...]

but no luck. thanks!

This is how you can import and use a variable from an imported file in Angular X projects.


export const mapStyle = [
        'elementType': 'labels.icon',
        'stylers': [
                'visibility': 'off'
        'featureType': 'poi.medical',
        'elementType': 'labels.icon',
        'stylers': [
                'visibility': 'off'


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { mapStyle } from './map-config';

  selector: 'app-map', 
  templateUrl: './map.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./map.component.scss']

export class MapComponent implements OnInit {

  mapStyle = mapStyle;

  constructor() { 


I am considering MapStyles is a variable which is from external js file.

I had a similar requirement and this is how I have solved it,

I had loaded javascript file from root component and I am trying to use the variable inside sub component as shown below.


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