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AttributeError: 'CollectionReference' object has no attribute 'set'

I am trying to retrieve data from my Firestore Database and then Make some changes and then set these data again in the database again.

import firebase_admin
from PreProcessing import Pre_Processing
import pandas as pd
from FeatureExtraction import FeatureExtraction
from Processing import Processing
from firebase_admin import firestore , credentials
def Classification(Data , ID ):
    Answers = []
    Message = Data['message']
    PreProcessing = Pre_Processing(Answers)
    Answers = PreProcessing.MainFunction()
    del Answers[0]
    Features = FeatureExtraction(Answers)
    Answers = Features.Test_TFIDF()
    print("Finished TF-IDF Training")
    Data1 = pd.DataFrame(Answers)
    del Answers
    Data1 = Data1.fillna(0)
    SentimentList = Features.Sentiment()
    Data1[315477] = SentimentList       
    Processing_Object  = Processing(Data1)
    Results = Processing_Object.Testing()
    Classified = db.collection("Chat").document(Data['ChatID']).collection("chatting").set({
        "message" : Data['message'],
        "from" : Data['from'],
        "Classification" : Results,
        "time" : Data['time'],
cred = credentials.Certificate("ssmproject-61dec-firebase-adminsdk-op5bp-d525c0a76e.json")

db = firestore.client()

NeedClassification = db.collection("NeedClassification")

docs = NeedClassification.get()
for doc in docs:
    if doc != None:
        data = doc.to_dict()
        Classification(data , doc.id)

That is the output

Test.py:39: DeprecationWarning: 'Collection.get' is deprecated:  please use 'Collection.stream' instead.
  docs = NeedClassification.get()
(1, 315477)
Finished TF-IDF Training
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Test.py", line 43, in <module>
    Classification(data , doc.id , db)
  File "Test.py", line 25, in Classification
    Classified = db.collection("Chat").document(Data['ChatID']).collection("chatting").set({
AttributeError: 'CollectionReference' object has no attribute 'set'

I just have problem in Setting the Data back to the Database Thanks in Advance

CollectionReference has add().

DocumentReference has set(), update() and delete().


If you want to create new document then the code is like this.(document id is auto set)

    Classified = db.collection("Chat").document(Data['ChatID']).collection("chatting").add({
        "message" : Data['message'],
        "from" : Data['from'],
        "Classification" : Results,
        "time" : Data['time'],


    Classified = db.collection("Chat").document(Data['ChatID']).collection("chatting").document().set({
        "message" : Data['message'],
        "from" : Data['from'],
        "Classification" : Results,
        "time" : Data['time'],

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