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This error keeps on coming everytime i run react-native run-android after npm install

Task :react-native-google-places:compileDebugRenderscript FAILED

  • What went wrong: Could not resolve all files for configuration ':react-native-google-places:debugCompileClasspath'.

    Could not resolve com.android.support:appcompat-v7:26.1.0. Required by: project :react-native-google-places Cannot find a version of 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7' that satisfies the version constraints: Dependency path 'FastGo:react-native-google-places:unspecified' --> 'com.facebook.react:react-native:0.59.3' --> 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:28.0.0'

In the android/app/build.gradle file, specify the compileSdkVersion & buildToolsVersion as,

compileSdkVersion 26
buildToolsVersion "26.0.1"

Also make sure that you have installed SDK API level 26.

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