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How to split a NSAttributedString

I imported a NSAttributedString from a rtf-file and now I want to split it at another given String. With the attributedSubstring method you get one attributedSubstring as result, but I want to split it at every part, where the other String appeares, so the result should be an Array of NSAttributedStrings. Example:
var source = NSAttributedString(string: "I*** code*** with*** swift") var splitter = "***" var array = //The method I am looking for The result should be the following Array(with attributedStrings): [I, code, with, swift]

Following extension method maps the string components using Array.map into [NSAttributedString]

extension NSAttributedString {
    func components(separatedBy string: String) -> [NSAttributedString] {
        var pos = 0
        return self.string.components(separatedBy: string).map {
            let range = NSRange(location: pos, length: $0.count)
            pos += range.length + string.count
            return self.attributedSubstring(from: range)


let array = NSAttributedString(string: "I*** code*** with*** swift").components(separatedBy: "***")

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