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How to disable spring-data-mongodb in spring-boot

I am new to SpringBoot. I have built a simple application which should use fake data in the development environment, and connect to MongoDb in the test environment. Dev environment does not have mongodb setup.

I have tried using Spring Boot qualifiers/profiles to achieve it.

I have a main class which looks like the following:

public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       SpringApplication.run(Main.class, args);

I have a DAO interface StudentDao.java

public interface StudentDao {
    Student getStudentById(String id);

I then created a couple of implementations for the DAO, one for fake data, and one for data from Mongo


public class FakeStudentDaoImpl implements StudentDao {

    private static Map<String, Student> students;

    static {

        students = new HashMap<String, Student>(){
                put("1", new Student("Ram", "Computer Science"));

    public Student getStudentById(String id){
        return this.students.get(id);


public class MongoStudentDaoImpl implements StudentDao {

    private MongoStudentRepo repo;

    public Student getStudentById(String id) {
        return  repo.findById(id).get();

The MongoStudentRepo is a simple interface extending MongoRepository:

public interface MongoStudentRepo extends MongoRepository<Student, String> {

And my POM file has the following dependencies called out:



Of course, I have other controller classes. This works fine in the Test environment, where there is a MongoDb, and it is able to connect to it. However, when I am trying to start it in my local environment, it fails to start because it is not finding MongoDb on startup.

How do I disable the MongoDb part in my local environment (and just use fake data)? I want to make the same code work in both environments.

Thanks in advance.

You can use an embedded MongoDB database. Here an example.

Several possible options:

1) You can use spring profiles . Map one bean with @Profile("test) and second one with @Profile("prod") . To specify which profile to use --spring.profiles.active=test

2) You can have different configurations .



Use spring active profiles to select config. To use local profile you need to setup local mongo instance. And you can have several options again: just download instance , docker image , embeded mongo .

I had the same problem, and found the solution you ask for in this other question:

Spring Boot. How to disable Initialization of JPA Conditionaliy

For example, if you want to disable spring-data-mongodb in the development environment, then, assuming that you run under a "dev" profile:

application-dev.yml :

    exclude: org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.mongo.MongoAutoConfiguration

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