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Ignore .idea/ files on intellij

I am working with the intellij IDE, my problem is that always are being added some .idea/ folder files in my intellij after compilation. I had excluded these directory sice: Settings > Version Control > Ignored Files:


But it seems it is not working, because I continue seeing these files. I am the only one of my team who has this problem, so it should be an IDE problem.


I'm sure you already know this, but the .idea directory is actually just the IDE settings generated by IntelliJ IDEA. If you're talking about source control, you'll need to add a rule to ignore that folder.

For git, you'll want a .gitignore file on the project level, and add the following to the file:


If you want to check what is being ignored currently, or add some easy context menus for adding things to your ignore file, install the ".ignore" plugin for IntelliJ-IDEA. This plugin will even let you hide these ignored files, since your IDE will always generate this settings folder in the project directory.

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