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Apt repository within Sonatype Nexus 3

Trying to use Nexus 3.15.2 as a local/offline package manager. Npm and Maven repos are OK. But, also want to use as an APT repository. It has yum repository feature but not apt repository type. Tried to use nexus-repository-apt plugin with docker container by following these instructions https://github.com/sonatype-nexus-community/nexus-repository-apt , but i could not make it.

Nexus Version: Sonatype Nexus OSS 3.15.2-01

Nexus Apt Repository Plugin: nexus-repository-apt-1.0.10

What I'm missing?

I followed the instructions given in the link, but this time used version 3.16 instead of 3.15. I even created the image and run it successfully, and created Apt repository and upload packages finally. Do not know why it forbids me to upload apt packages even if I could make the container running in version 3.15. Anyway, works fine with the version 3.16.

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