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How do I decrypt a file using node-rsa with public and private keys?

I was following this tutorial on medium . However the tutorial does not explain how to decrypt the encrypted file. Nor does it explain how the public / private keys are used.

Simply running decrypt does not work with the error below.


Relevant documentation appears to be on npmjs.com .

Actual Code

// node modules
const fs = require('fs');

// npm modules
const parseArgs = require('minimist');
const NodeRSA = require('node-rsa');

// get command line arguments
const argv = parseArgs(process.argv.slice(2));
// console.dir(argv);

// read a file
const file = fs.readFileSync('' + argv.file, 'utf8');

// generate keys
const key = new NodeRSA().generateKeyPair();
const publicKey = key.exportKey('pkcs8-public-pem');
const privateKey = key.exportKey('pkcs1-pem');

// write public key
fs.openSync('keys/public.pem', 'w');
fs.writeFileSync('keys/public.pem', publicKey, 'utf8');

// write private key
fs.openSync('keys/private.pem', 'w');
fs.writeFileSync('keys/private.pem', privateKey, 'utf8');

// write encrypted file
const encrypted = key.encrypt(file, 'base64');
fs.openSync('encrypted.txt', 'w');
fs.writeFileSync('encrypted.txt', encrypted, 'utf8');

// read encrypted file
const fileEncrypted = fs.readFileSync('encrypted.txt', 'utf8');
const decrypted = key.decrypt(fileEncrypted, 'base64'); // error here
// has to do with key generation?





You are not decrypting the data correctly, the encoding argument of NodeRSA.prototype.decrypt(buffer, encoding) is the desired result encoding, not the input encoding.

Although the decrypt method is said to take a buffer via the JSDoc:

 * Decrypting data method with private key
 * @param buffer {Buffer} - buffer for decrypting
 * @param encoding - encoding for result string, can also take 'json' or 'buffer' for the automatic conversion of this type
 * @returns {Buffer|object|string}

You can trace the code to see that if buffer is a string it is assumed to be in base64 encoding:

buffer = _.isString(buffer) ? Buffer.from(buffer, 'base64') : buffer;

We can simplify your problem down by ignoring the file system interactions to see how a round trip works:

const key = new NodeRSA().generateKeyPair();

// Encrypt the utf8 encoded input string and output a base64 encoded string
const encrypted = key.encrypt('test', 'base64');

// Decrypt the base64 encoded input string and output a utf8 encoded string
const decrypted = key.decrypt(encrypted, 'utf8');

Alternatively you could explicitly convert the input and output to and from buffers respectively, this may help you understand what is happening under the hood:

const key = new NodeRSA().generateKeyPair();

const input = Buffer.from('test', 'utf8');

const encrypted = key.encrypt(input);

const decrypted = key.decrypt(encrypted);

您正在尝试解密明文文件.. 尝试对加密文件进行解密。

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