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Can't authenticate using MongoEngine. PyMongo works. How do I get MongoEngine to authenticate?

I'm trying to authenticate for a MongoDB database using mongoengine.connect(). When I use pymongo.MongoClient() the code works perfectly, however mongoenine.connect() is throwing this error:

pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: command createRole requires authentication

I believe the connection parameters are identical and MongoEngine uses PyMongo to connect anyways, so I am confused about what is wrong here.

I printed the MongoClients returned by PyMongo and MongoEngine and they were slightly different:

Pymongo MongoClient:

MongoClient(host=['x.x.x.x:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True)

MongoEngine MongoClient:

MongoClient(host=['x.x.x.x:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True, read_preference=Primary())

Is the read_preference affecting my ability to connect somehow?

Here is the code making the calls:

user_admin_client = pymongo.MongoClient(

user_admin_client = mongoengine.connect(db='my_db',

How can I get MongoEngine to work? What am I doing wrong here?

------ Update 5/9/19:

I tried the following code:

user_admin_client = mongoengine.connect(

I got the following:

MongoClient(host=['localhost:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True, read_preference=Primary())
pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: localhost:27017: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I'm a little confused as to why the MongoClient is now trying to connect to localhost, because my IP address is definitely correctly typed. Even using xxxx:port did not do anything.


user_admin_client = mongoengine.connect(host='mongodb://{usern}:{pswd}@x.x.x.x/my_db')

I don't think you are doing anything wrong here.

Can you try using Mongo URI itself to connect through MongoEngine.

Something like:

user_admin_client = mongoengine.connect('mongodb://{usern}:{pswd}@x.x.x.x/my_db')

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