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Is there a way to tell GHC to dump all warnings to a file?

I've tried the following so far:

me@pc:~/code$ ghc file.hs -Wall | tee warnings.log
me@pc:~/code$ ghc file.hs -Wall > warnings.log

But ghc just prints the warnings like normal and only passes on the non-warning steps.

Is there a way to do this?

The reason why it still shows these warnings is because warnings and errors are printed on the standard error channel (stderr).

You can thus redirect the errors to a file by redirecting the stderr, with:

ghc file.hs -Wall  warnings.log

Notice the 2 in > . > 。 As said before, both the warnings and the exceptions are printed to this channel.

We can redirect the error stream to tee in bash with:

ghc -Wall file.hs 

this features works for bash , but as far as I know, this is not defined in the POSIX standard. For bash this works, but for sh , this seems to fail.

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