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Hide/Dismiss keyboard on ListView scroll in Flutter app

I have chat window in Flutter app. Messages are presented as widgets inside ListView widget and I also have widget for message input attached to bottom of the window.

I want to

  1. hide keyboard when I scroll the ListView
  2. scroll to last message when new is added from InputWidget


class _MessagesPageState extends State<MessagesPage> {
  final ScrollController listScrollController = ScrollController();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
    body: Stack(
        children: [
              controller: listScrollController

class InputWidget extends StatelessWidget {

  final TextEditingController _textEditingController = TextEditingController();

Row (
  children: [
     controller: _textEditingController
    IconButton(icon: ...., onPressed: (){})

For hiding keyboard on listview scrolling, you simply add keyboardDismissBehavior to it. Example

 keyboardDismissBehavior: ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.onDrag,
 children: [],

As to point 1 of you question :

You can create a listener function for listScrollController containing a call to an anonymous FocusNode (idea taken from this highly voted answer ), and when any scroll event occurs, focus will be taken from your TextField and keyboard will be dismissed:

 class _MessagesPageState extends State<MessagesPage> {

 final ScrollController listScrollController = ScrollController();

 void initState() {

 _scrollListener() {

 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return Scaffold(
   body: Stack(
    children: [
          controller: listScrollController
      InputWidget(controller: listScrollController)]

Point 2 :

You'll notice that I modified your InputWidget to take a ScrollController as a parameter, so you can pass your ListView controller to it. and when the IconButton is pressed, listScrollController will jump to the end as you desire.

 class InputWidget extends StatelessWidget {

 InputWidget({Key key,this.controller}) : super(key: key);

 final ScrollController controller ;

 final TextEditingController _textEditingController = TextEditingController();

 Row (
  children: [
      controller: _textEditingController
    IconButton(icon: ...., onPressed: (){

it's easy..Follow these step..

  1. Change class to StatefullWidget
  2. create final ScrollController listScrollController = ScrollController();
  3. ListView should be like this:

     ListView.builder( controller: listScrollController, reverse: true,
  4. If you use firebase change order by like this:

    .orderBy('timestamp', descending: true)

  5. Add this code in your Send button

listScrollController.animateTo(0.0,duration: Duration(milliseconds: 300), curve: Curves.easeOut);

Automatically scroll up your textField, Add your textField and ListView inside Stack

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