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Close program by opened by her file

How to close the process programmaticaly (Java) by opened by her file. For exemple, i have some file named notes.txt . He is opening programmatically (using Java, but for ask i used CMD) over default program for txt-files , in my case it is Notepad and thereby it is creating new process named Notepad:
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As you can see, i have one more process Notepad with an open file data.txt.

How can i programmatically complete process Notepad with file notes.txt so that data.txt is stays, using CMD or maybe some Java tools.

How to do it? Maybe i should get default program for opening the txt-files (and further other extensions) and then to do something with them...
In general, i need any ideas...

Thanks in advance. Regards...

Since you know the Window Titles, for example:

data.txt - Notepad
notes.txt - Notepad

then you can use the Window's taskkill utility:

try {
    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
    rt.exec("taskkill /F /FI \"WINDOWTITLE eq notes.txt - Notepad\" /T");
catch (IOException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {

Ultimately, if notes.txt and data.txt are open then notes.txt will be closed.

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