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Encode and Decode a Class in ios

I have a class

class Event{
  var name:String = "";
  var attributes:[String:Any] = [:];
  var lineItems:[LineItem] = [];

class LineItem {
  var itemName:String = "";
  var details:[String:Any] = [:];

I want to convert it into json string and json string back to model.

I try

var test = Event()
    test.name = "jogi"
    var dictionary = Dictionary<String,Any>();
    dictionary.updateValue("shoes", forKey: "item")
    dictionary.updateValue(345, forKey: "amount")
    test.attributes = dictionary

    let json = JSON(test)

But it give an error of unsupported Type because swiftyjson support only rawArray , rawDictionary , rawString , rawNumber , rawNull , rawBool .

You could make your Class conform to Codable protocol

class Event: Codable {
  var name:String = "";
  var attributes:[String:Any] = [:];
  var lineItems:[LineItem] = [];

Then to encode your model use:

try? JSONEncoder().encode(event)

To decode your model use

try? JSONDecoder().decode(Event.self, from: eventData)

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