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Url not hitting MVC attribute based routing controller

I am using Attribute based routing in a MVC application. My Code is -

public class BrandFacilityShipmentMaintenanceController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()


I am trying to hit the url with variabale parameters like


But it says resource not found. These all urls hit same Index action in Conventional based routing. What should I change to make it work in attribute based routing.

AreaRegistration.cs -

public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context) 
        new { action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

The url parameters are mapped to the method's parameters, sou you need to specify them in your method's signature.

public string Index(int id, int? pid)  { ... }

From here

EDIT: You can also access your query string parameters this way:

public ActionResult Index(int id)
    string param1 = this.Request.QueryString["pid"];
    // parse int or whatever

EDIT2: This is also a good reading

You are probably combining convention based routing with attribute routing, and you should register your areas after you map the attribute routes.

Add the area registration in Application_Start() after RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes)


Try to use the named parameter "AreaPrefix" in RouteArea

[RouteArea("MasterData", AreaPrefix = "MasterData")]

It should work.

Also you can remove the RouteArea attribute and use only RoutePrefix in following way


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