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Error: NAs introduced by coercion when converting character to numeric

I want to convert the column $Annual.income saved as character in my dataframe to numeric. The code I use gives NA values although the new class is numeric.

I have looked for answer on forums but none of the questions answer my problem: I do not have NAs in the column Annual.income, there are only numbers. All the data is formated so as to have "." instead of "," for decimals . Here is the code I use.

data$Annual.income <- as.numeric(as.character(data$Annual.income))


Here is the dput of the column Annual.income.

c("34 500", "51 400", "43 200", "40 100", "36 400", "39 100", 
"41 900", "48 700", "45 500", "45 500", "49 100", "35 100", "34 500", 
"29 200", "32 200", "36 300", "35 800", "31 500", "33 000", "34 600", 
"32 100", "32 000", "31 400", "33 200", "42 600", "29 200", "34 600", 
"29 200", "34 100", "30 600", "34 034", "33 600", "31 000", "35 500", 
"30 600", "30 600", "30 600", "30 800", "34 034", "33 200", "32 900"

The following still gives me NAs.

data$Annual.income <- as.numeric(data$Annual.income))

I imported the data using the Import dataset command of the Environement and unchecked stringAsfactor, checked heading = YES. Seperator = Semicolon , decimal = Period. Thanks ...

The white space causes the problem here, simply remove all white space characters with gsub() , eg

Annual.income <- c("34 500", "51 400", "43 200", "40 100", "36 400", "39 100", 
  "41 900", "48 700", "45 500", "45 500", "49 100", "35 100", "34 500", 
  "29 200", "32 200", "36 300", "35 800", "31 500", "33 000", "34 600", 
  "32 100", "32 000", "31 400", "33 200", "42 600", "29 200", "34 600", 
  "29 200", "34 100", "30 600", "34 034", "33 600", "31 000", "35 500", 
  "30 600", "30 600", "30 600", "30 800", "34 034", "33 200", "32 900"

as.numeric(gsub("\\s", "", Annual.income))
#>  [1] 34500 51400 43200 40100 36400 39100 41900 48700 45500 45500 49100
#> [12] 35100 34500 29200 32200 36300 35800 31500 33000 34600 32100 32000
#> [23] 31400 33200 42600 29200 34600 29200 34100 30600 34034 33600 31000
#> [34] 35500 30600 30600 30600 30800 34034 33200 32900

Created on 2019-05-17 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

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