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How to make a code that is run on startup execute first, before scheduled?

I have an application that has to do something on app's startup and only after a startup task has been completed, I want to execute the task that is defined in the function annotated with the @Scheduled. The current problem is that the task defined in the @Scheduled is executed before the one that is executed on startup.

I achieved the desired effect by inserting:


However, I find it to be a naive solution at best, and I'm wondering if there is an elegant solution to this problem.


public class AppStartup implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> {

    public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationReadyEvent applicationReadyEvent) {
        System.out.println("On startup");


public class DataCollector {

    @Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000)
    public void executeTask() {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // do sth

why not use a longer initialDelay?

Number of milliseconds to delay before the first execution

like @Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000, initialDelay = 10000)

OR you could: register DataCollector as bean after you executed your initial task.

  • remove @Configuration from DataCollector
  • move @EnableScheduling to AppStartup
  • register DataCollector as bean after you executed task



public class AppStartup implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> {

    public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationReadyEvent applicationReadyEvent) {
        System.out.println("On startup");
        /* task execution */

        // register DataCollector

public class DataCollector {

    @Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000)
    public void executeTask() {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // do sth

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