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Export all the subscriptions - FIWARE ORION Context Broker

有什么方法可以导出在FIWARE ORION上下文代理实例上提交的所有订阅?

You can all the subscription of an FIWARE Orion instance through the subscription list -> list subscriptions NGSIv2 API . Take care that probably you could need to specify the proper X-Auth-Token header key as well as the subscription could be associated to a specific Service and ServicePath that have to be defined as well in the Fiware-Service and Fiware-ServicePath header keys.

You can get subscriptions using GET /v2/subscriptions operation. However, note this is a paginated API, so if you have more than 20 subscription you will get only the 20 first ones. To get all them, page by page, you have to use offset and limit URI parameters. Check NGSIv2 specification and also slides 48-50 in this Orion introductory presentation .

You can create a new subscription using POST /v2/subscriptions operation. You can use that operation to import subscriptions.

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