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SQL query add new column if two existing columns matches and add value from another column

Table 1 columns are (current state)

record_id |  ad_id | gender | gender_view | time_entry
1         |   1    |  male  |     45      | 1557072000
2         |   1    | female |     88      | 1557072000

Table 2 columns are (current state)

ad_id | submitted_by
1     |   1

After matching the ad_id of table 1 and table 2 , table 1 will have new column submitted_by . The new column submitted_by in table 1 will take submitted_by value from table 2.

Table 1 columns (expected state)

record_id |  ad_id | gender | gender_view | time_entry | submitted_by 
1         |   1    |  male  |     45      | 1557072000 |   1
2         |   1    | female |     88      | 1557072000 |   1

A simple LEFT JOIN with ON T2.ad_id = T1.ad_id , will return your expected result:

SELECT T1.record_id,
       COALESCE(T2.submitted_by, 0) submitted_by
FROM Table1 T1
LEFT JOIN Table2 T2 ON T2.ad_id = T1.ad_id
select t1.*,t2.submitted_by 
from table1 t1 
inner join table2 t2 on t1.ad_id = t2.ad_id

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