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How to drag and drop in Cypress.io

I am testing Trello and trying to drag the last list and then drop it into a penultimate column, but the test is not working without ".wait". It would be really helpful if someone could advise about the potential issue here because I prefer to avoid using ".wait". There are no errors throwing, but still, the drag and drop is not happening without ".wait".

describe("Moving list", () => {
  it("Waiting For Accept list should be moved from last column to the penultimate column", () => {
      .should("have.length", 4)

    cy.get(":nth-child(4) > .list")
      .and("contain", "Waiting For Accept")

    cy.get(":nth-child(4) > .list").trigger("mousedown", {
      which: 1

    cy.get("#board > div:nth-child(2) > .list")

    cy.get("#board > div:nth-child(3) > .list")

    cy.get(":nth-child(3) > .list")
      .should("contain", "Waiting For Accept");

See image

See image

That doesn't work out of the box, the logged issue for that is https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/845 . But in that same ticket is also a work around available using the native drag and drop API with draggable attribute on draggable elements:

Create a custom command

Cypress.Commands.add("dragTo", { prevSubject: "element" }, (subject, targetEl) => {

In the testscript you can use:


You can use the Cypress drap and drop plugin


Finally I resolved this issue by using "cy.request"


describe("Moving list", () => {
        it("Waiting For Accept list should be moved from last column to the penultimate column", () => {
            cy.request("https://trello.com/b/9lfzKIRu/trello-tests").then(response => {
            cy.get("#board > div:nth-child(4) > .list").trigger("mousedown", {
                which: 1
            cy.get("#board > div:nth-child(2) > .list").trigger("mousemove");
            cy.get("#board > div:nth-child(3) > .list")
            cy.get(":nth-child(3) > .list").should("contain", "Waiting For Accept");


        cy.get('#placeholder-3').drag('#placeholder-2', {            position: 'top', })

I solved it by downgrading my drag and drop version from 2.1.0 to 1.8.0


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