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ASP.NET postBack post Enter Textbox on javascript

I have a script in js that searches inside a textBox of a gridview that works very well, the problem I find, however, every time I run this function when I press Enter because it always triggers the postback by executing code that you don't always need to run. this is the gridView field -> onfocus = "run_routine (this)":

<input style="font-weight: bold; font-size:14px; text-align: center" id="arrivo" class='nome_<%# Eval("BOD_ABARCODE")%> colored form-control' data-barcode='<%# Eval("BOD_ABARCODE")%>' maxlength="18" name='<%# Eval("BOD_KCODPRU").ToString +"-" + Eval("BOD_KCODCAB").ToString %>' onkeyup="enter(this)" oncopy="return false" oncut="return false" onfocus="esegui_routine(this)" onkeypress="return CheckNumericValue(event)" size="5" type="text" value='<%# Eval("BOD_SQUANTIT")%>' />

below an extract of the function in js where I should insert preventDefault but I have tried everywhere, and it doesn't work for me:

function esegui_routine(oggetto)
                var barcode = $(oggetto).attr('data-barcode');

                var valoreIniziale = $(oggetto).val();

                $(document).data('valoreIniziale', valoreIniziale);


                $(oggetto).off('keypress').on('keypress', function (event) {
                    if (event.which == '13') {

                        var inserito = $(this).val();

                        if (inserito.length != 0) {
                            if (inserito.length <= 4) {
                                var elementi = $.fn.doppio(barcode);

                                if (elementi == 0) {
                                    //BARCODE NON TROVATO : play sound e rimetto il valore precedente cancellando il barcode inserito                                    
                                    //devo rimettere il valore precedente

                                else if (elementi == 1) {
                                    console.log('barcode: ' + barcode);
                                    $.fn.settaValore(barcode, inserito);
                                else if (elementi > 1) {
                                    var kcodpru = oggetto.name;
                                    console.log('kcodpru: ' + kcodpru);
                                    $.fn.settaValoreDaKcodpru(kcodpru, inserito);                                    
                                //console.log('eccomi minore di 4')

Thank you and good job to everybody

I guess you are pressing a submit button, that causes form to post back. Use a instead of

<button id = "btnSubmit">Submit</button>

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