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Using css for styling a dynamic menu

I have this code for a dynamic menu using php:


    // Get current page file name
    $page = basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
<?php include "templates/header.php"; ?>
<?php include "templates/footer.php"; ?>


    <h1>A Library</h1>
<div id="navigation">
        <li><a href="index.php" <?php if ($page == "index.php") echo 'class="current"' ?>>Products</a></li>
        <li><a href="resume.php" <?php if ($page == "resume.php") echo 'class="current"' ?>>Resume</a></li>
        <li><a href="photography.php" <?php if ($page == "photography.php") echo 'class="current"' ?>>Photography</a></li>
        <li><a href="about.php" <?php if ($page == "about.php") echo 'class="current"' ?>>About</a></li>
        <li><a href="contact.php" <?php if ($page == "contact.php") echo 'class="current"' ?>>Contact</a></li>



menu.php and file templates are in the same directory

This code creates a simple and small sized menu.How could i make this a bit better usng css?

I wrote this css code but i have no idea how to connect it with the menu:

#navigation ul li a.current {
    background-color: #FFF;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #FFF;

there are multiple ways to include CSS, in your case the simplest way would be to create a lets say style.css and include it in your main template inside the tags: <link href=/path/to/yourcss/style.css rel=stylesheet type='text/css'> this way it will affect all of your dynamically included CSS and it should be class locked for interchangeable components. Example:

        ... other meta tags
        <link href=/path/to/yourcss/style.css rel=stylesheet type='text/css'>
        your php includes for content

you should use <link> Tag to include css file with html / php

<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='CSS/main.css'>

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