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Styling links using CSS

I am trying to give style to my links and I am using this order:


(I am not using a:link... I just use the id's to make the links work.)

The thing is that my "a" & "a:hover" are working but "a:visited" & "a:active" are not?:: Is there a solution? I am only tying to give different color to "a:active":

 font-family: gabriola, verdana; font-size: 26px; color: #e6e8fa; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: middle; border: none; outline: none;

I read somewhere (a quick Google suggests it could have been anywhere ) that it's easy to remember the order for anchor styling declarations using the mnemonic L o V e / HA te:


active doesn't make sense for non-link anchors (not sure about this actually, :active might be triggered on any visible element). Use this:

a:link, a:visited               // normal links
a:link:hover, a:visited:hover   // link with mouse-over
a:link:active, a:visited:active // link being clicked (mouse-down, etc.)

Also available, but less specific:

a        // any anchor
a:hover  // any anchor with mouse-over

The latter two will have their properties overridden by the more specific ones above if the anchor actually has the href attribute set.

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