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How to get attribute wait until the state change in Firefox Selenium, python ,window , version : 67.0(64-bit) + selenium 3.9.0

Want to confirm whether the data downloading is finished .

The target attributes information like below :

<richlistitem  class="download download-state" active="true" 
onclick="DownloadsView.onDownloadClick(event);" state="1" 
exists="true" selected="true">....<description 
class="downloadDetails downloadDetailsHover" crop="end" 
value="49.5 KB — xxx.com:8080 — 8:09 PM"/><description 
class="downloadDetails downloadDetailsButtonHover" 
class="downloadButton downloadIconShow" 
tooltiptext="Open Containing Folder"/></richlistitem>

# Current script:
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

driver = webdriver.Firefox()

download_CSV =dr.find_element_by_id('xxxx')
NEW_TAB = driver.find_element_by_tag_name('body').send_keys(Keys.CONTROL + 't')
cur_windows = driver.window_handles # NEW TAB


# EC.until the download message attribute change script

How to get the attribute of state="1" (1 =meaning download finished,0=not yet) or exist="true",need to wait until state="1" changed from "0" / or exist="true" appear ? (welcome for other method the define the file is already finished download)

Cannot apply this answer to my situation. Selenium : wait until attribute value changed

I dont know if this will work but maybe you can try with the Expected conditions: presence_of_element_located .

If there is no other element in the website that responds to the Xpath locator


Maybe this can be the sollution to your problem:

WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
                EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//richlistitem[@state="1"]')))

This code will be looking for the element "//richlistitem[@state='1']" during 10 seconds until the element is located on the DOM otherwise it will return TimeoutException

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