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In Springboot, how to serialize properties into objects when using @ConfigurationProperties and @PropertySource?

When using @ConfigurationProperties with @PropertySource(value = "myconfig.yml") Springboot doesn't serialize my properties into an object

If I put this same config in application.yml and remove the @PropertySource(value = "myconfig.yml"), then it works

testPrefix.simpleProperty: my.property.haha
    firstName: 'Clark'
    lastName: 'Ken'
    firstName: 'Roger'
    lastName: 'Federer'
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "testPrefix")
@PropertySource(value = "testConfigFile.yml")
public class MyTestProperties {
  private String simpleProperty;
  private List<Person> complexProperties;


public class App implements CommandLineRunner {

  MyTestProperties myProperties;

  public App(MyTestProperties properties) {
    this.properties = properties;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication((App.class));

  public void run(String... args) throws Exception {



To my knowledge, YAML properties cannot be loaded using a @PropertySource . I'll look it up as I'm not sure whether the issue has been resolved in the meantime.

[edit] Apparently, it hasn't been fixed:

YAML files cannot be loaded by using the @PropertySource annotation. So, in the case that you need to load values that way, you need to use a properties file.

You need to use jackson yaml dependency.


Then create a factory class for loading yaml files as property sources.


import java.io.IOException;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.YamlPropertiesFactoryBean;
import org.springframework.core.env.PropertiesPropertySource;
import org.springframework.core.env.PropertySource;
import org.springframework.core.io.support.EncodedResource;
import org.springframework.core.io.support.PropertySourceFactory;

public class YamlPropertySourceFactory implements PropertySourceFactory {

    public PropertySource<?> createPropertySource(String s,
            EncodedResource encodedResource) throws IOException {
        YamlPropertiesFactoryBean bean = new YamlPropertiesFactoryBean();
        return new PropertiesPropertySource(
                s != null ? s : encodedResource.getResource().getFilename(),


Then use PropertySource annotation like this.

@PropertySource(factory = YamlPropertySourceFactory.class, value = "testConfigFile.yml")
public class MyTestProperties {
  private String simpleProperty;
  private List<Person> complexProperties;

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