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Error using createStore with typescript and thunk

I am new to typescript and am trying to convert a react app to use typescript. When using the createStore function from 'redux' in my index.tsx file, I am getting the following error.

  Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type '{ customersLoading: boolean; customersLoadError: boolean; customers: {}; editCustomerInProgress: boolean; editCustomerSuccess: boolean; editCustomerFail: boolean; addCustomerInProgress: boolean; ... 6 more ...; searchResults: {}; }': customersLoading, customersLoadError, customers, editCustomerInProgress, and 10 more.  TS2345

It seems like the state is being defined as a type of {}, but I have defined an interface for the state object.


import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
import {Provider} from 'react-redux';
import {createStore, applyMiddleware, compose} from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';

import reducer from './store/reducer';

import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';

const composeEnhancers = compose;

const rootReducer = reducer;

const store = createStore(rootReducer, composeEnhancers(applyMiddleware(thunk)));

const app = (
    <Provider store={store}>
        <App />

ReactDOM.render(app, document.getElementById('root'));

// If you want your app to work offline and load faster, you can change
// unregister() to register() below. Note this comes with some pitfalls.



import {stateShape, actionShape} from '../types/index';

const initialState = {
    customersLoading: false,
    customersLoadError: false,
    customers: {},
    editCustomerInProgress: false,
    editCustomerSuccess: false,
    editCustomerFail: false,
    addCustomerInProgress: false,
    addCustomerSuccess: false,
    addCustomerFail: false,
    deleteCustomerInProgress: false,
    deleteCustomerSuccess: false,
    deleteCustomerFail: false,
    searchMode: false,
    searchResults: {}

const updateObject = (oldObject: {}, updatedProperties: {}) => {
    return {

const editCustomer = (state: stateShape, action: actionShape) => {
    let updatedState = {
        editCustomerInProgress: false,
        editCustomerFail: false,
        editCustomerSuccess: true,
        customers: {
            [action.payload.customerId]: action.payload.customerDetails
        searchResults: {...state.searchResults}

    if (state.searchMode){
        updatedState = {
            searchResults: {
                [action.payload.customerId]: action.payload.customerDetails
    return updateObject(state, updatedState);

const addCustomer = (state: stateShape, action: actionShape) => {
    const updatedState = {
        addCustomerInProgress: false,
        addCustomerFail: false,
        addCustomerSuccess: true,
        customers: {
            [action.payload.customerId]: action.payload.customerData
    return updateObject(state, updatedState);

const deleteCustomer = (state: stateShape, action: actionShape) => {
    const updatedState = {
        deleteCustomerInProgress: false,
        deleteCustomerFail: false,
        deleteCustomerSuccess: true,
        customers: {
            [action.payload.customerId]: null
    return updateObject(state, updatedState);

const searchCustomers = (state: stateShape, action: actionShape) => {
    interface arrayInterface {
        [key: number]: any 

    //filter matching customers from list of customers by search term
    const matchingCustomers = Object.entries(state.customers).filter((current: arrayInterface) => {
        let firstname = current[1].firstName.toLowerCase();
        let lastname = current[1].lastName.toLowerCase();
        let searchTerm = action.payload.searchTerm.toLowerCase();
        return firstname === searchTerm || lastname === searchTerm;

    let matchingCustomersObject;

    matchingCustomers.forEach((current: arrayInterface) => {
        matchingCustomersObject[current[0]] = current[1];

    const updatedState = {
        searchMode: true,
        searchResults: matchingCustomersObject

    return updateObject(state, updatedState);

let reducer = (state = initialState, action: actionShape) => {
    switch (action.type){
        case actionTypes.LOAD_CUSTOMERS_START:
            return updateObject(state, {customersLoading: true});
        case actionTypes.LOAD_CUSTOMERS_FAIL:
            return updateObject(state, {customersLoading: false, customersLoadError: true});
        case actionTypes.LOAD_CUSTOMERS_SUCCESS:
            return updateObject(state, {customersLoading: false, customers: action.payload.customers});
        case actionTypes.EDIT_CUSTOMER_START:
            return updateObject(state, {editCustomerInProgress: true, editCustomerSuccess: false});
        case actionTypes.EDIT_CUSTOMER_FAIL:
            return updateObject(state, {editCustomerInProgress: false, editCustomerFail: true});
        case actionTypes.EDIT_CUSTOMER_SUCCESS:
            return editCustomer(state, action)
        case actionTypes.ADD_CUSTOMER_START:
            return updateObject(state, {addCustomerInProgress: true});
        case actionTypes.ADD_CUSTOMER_FAIL:
            return updateObject(state, {addCustomerInProgress: false, addCustomerFail: true});
        case actionTypes.ADD_CUSTOMER_SUCCESS:
            return addCustomer(state, action);
        case actionTypes.DELETE_CUSTOMER_START:
            return updateObject(state, {deleteCustomerInProgress: true});
        case actionTypes.DELETE_CUSTOMER_FAIL:
            return updateObject(state, {deleteCustomerInProgress: false, deleteCustomerFail: true});
        case actionTypes.DELETE_CUSTOMER_SUCCESS:
            return deleteCustomer(state, action);
        case actionTypes.SEARCH_CUSTOMER_START:
            return searchCustomers(state, action)
        case actionTypes.SEARCH_CUSTOMER_END:
            return updateObject(state, {searchMode: false, searchResults: []})
            return state;

export default reducer;

Action and state shapes imported by reducer.tsx

    customersLoading: boolean,
    customersLoadError: boolean,
    customers: {},
    editCustomerInProgress: boolean,
    editCustomerSuccess: boolean,
    editCustomerFail: boolean,
    addCustomerInProgress: boolean,
    addCustomerSuccess: boolean,
    addCustomerFail: boolean,
    deleteCustomerInProgress: boolean,
    deleteCustomerSuccess: boolean,
    deleteCustomerFail: boolean,
    searchMode: boolean,
    searchResults: {}

export interface actionShape {
    type: string,
    payload: {
        customerId: string,
        customerData: Object,
        customerDetails: Object,
        customers: Object,
        searchTerm: string

Is anyone able to point me in the right direction to fix this problem?

Problem arises from reducer signature incompatibility. Lets look at how createStore is defined.

export interface StoreCreator {
    <S, A extends Action, Ext, StateExt>(
        reducer: Reducer<S, A>,
        enhancer?: StoreEnhancer<Ext, StateExt>
    ): Store<S & StateExt, A> & Ext
    <S, A extends Action, Ext, StateExt>(
       reducer: Reducer<S, A>,
       preloadedState?: DeepPartial<S>,
       enhancer?: StoreEnhancer<Ext>
    ): Store<S & StateExt, A> & Ext

Essentillly it is overloaded function and we are interested in type of the first argument, reducer .

export type Reducer<S = any, A extends Action = AnyAction> = (
    state: S | undefined,
    action: A
) => S

Reducer takes two arguments of type S (for state ) and of type A (for action) and returns value of type S .

But your reducer defined as follows

let reducer = (state = initialState, action: actionShape) => { /*...*/ }

For all actions it returns updateObject(state, { /*...*/ }) which in turn defined as

const updateObject = (oldObject: {}, updatedProperties: {}) => 
    return {

As a result TS infer return type of updateObject to be {} and it is incompatioble with S which is stateShape in your case.

To solve this issue I suggest to use following signature for updateObject

const updateObject = (oldObject: stateShape, updatedProperties: Partial<stateShape>): stateShape => {/*...*/}

So it takes first argument of type stateShape and second - as Partial<stateShape> . This allows you to pass second argument with only some properties of original stateShape , but prohibits adding non existant properties to state.

It also good idea to update signature of reducer function to make it return only stateShape

let reducer = (state = initialState, action: actionShape): stateShape

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